Saturday, February 7


" is a brand new styling studio where you can combine every piece in our fashion collection to mix, match, and create your personal looks. All clothes are real, selected by stylists, from real designer." Baca taglinenya aja gue mulai tergiur. Imagine, this kind of website would be able to make all your dreams of having very cool clothes from very cool designers come true. The website is still on progress but we can already make an account and enjoy the teaser by applying for an invitation code. I made an account a couple of days ago and yes it surely is a very interesting digital styling studio. We'd be able to create our own looks by mixmatching the clothes provided. Emang belom begitu banyak sih koleksi bajunya, tapi dari yg udah ada aja keliatan kok kualitas dari stylist2 yang milihin baju-baju buat website ini.
I can't wait. Katanya sih kita bakalan bisa ngepost looks yg kita buat di ke blog, forum, anywhere you can post an image!

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