Saturday, February 28

bandung's a chilling place




zebra prints jacket: dicken's, gray tee: from a friend, denim shorts: SENEN flea market, vintage necklace, shoes: sollution

Well I'm already back in Jakarta in one piece. Yesterday's activity was, again, shopping with my mom while my dad was away golfing with his friends. I bought some very cute tops. I'll put the pictures of me wearing it later :)

psst..this picture below is how i look when i wake up xP I blurred the picture cause my face was such a mess.


orange boxer shorts: topshop

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dream a little dream

Yesterday I went to aquarius studio di bilangan arteri pondok indah, where I'll record vocals for my album. The studio is massive! And they got very expensive high quality mixers, operator, even the doors are superfine. I'll record my vocal on monday. I'm so nervous because I know how much that studio cost, I'm just so scared if I screw all this whole recording thing up. Wish me the best of luck! This has been my dream for such a long time!!

This is the picture of what i wore, with my puppy, Malta. The shorts is so special for me since I found it in a flea market for only IDR 2500 (25 cents). I just looove the color.




white t-shirt: random (can't remember where i got it), highwaisted shorts: SENEN flea market, random black stocking, black cardi: vintage, boots: belle

Well after visiting the studio, my parents and I went to Banduungg!! It's been so long since my last time. My mom and I did a little evening shopping (yes I broke my promise to cut shopping, but my mom 'insisted' to buy me things, so I just couldn't resist). My mom bought a pair of sandals, and I bought a pair of shoes!!for only IDR 175.000.

Here's some pictures of me at our hotel room and the shoes.



printed outerwear: SENEN flea market, shoes: sollution

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Thursday, February 26

shawl on you

today i ordered a shawl from this small yet very cool brand, From the picture it looks so damn gorgeous! and it only cost IDR 50.000 crazy crazy. i ordered it by e-mail and i'll pay for it tomorrow, can't wait to wear it on my own. from the blog, there are some pictures actually wearing the shawl as huge bracelet, belt, and head wrap. hahaha very clever. they should sell lots of other stuff as well!




Wednesday, February 25

suddenly the church was too little

I really didn't know whether it was the blue weather or the feeling of being hungry, but I've never felt so sleepy as I did this morning in class! hoaaaahhhmm.....

this is what i wore to campus today:


monochromatic loose top: zara, silver cropped cardi: gaudy, vintage necklace

Hari ini hari pertama masa pra-paskah. Rabu abu, di mana umat kristiani katolik berbondong-bondong pergi ke gereja untuk ditandain jidatnya pake abu, tanda pertobatan. Yang gue bingung, sebelum-sebelumnya setiap kali misa minggu biasa di gereja, yg dtg minim. Gue sm haris bahkan bisa aja tuh cuma berdua duduk di balkon. Namuuun, hari ini nampaknya berbeda. Karena itungannya hari raya dan bukan minggu biasa, penuh aja loh tuh gereja. Lah gue bingung, kok tiba-tiba yg katolik jadi banyak? Bahkan kita mesti parkir di lahan seberang gereja gitu saking jalan depan-pinggir gereja (tempat parkir) udh keisi semua.

well, kalau ada yang belom tahu, di masa pra-paskah ini kita wajib berpantang dan berpuasa (alias festing)! I have decided to fest during the pre-easter time by only eat once a day. And i've also decided to cut my habit of shopping on little things. Now THAT will be hard.

this is exactly what i wore to the church:




black tee: H&M, printed skinny pants: found in Senen flea market for only about 25 cents, shoes: charles&keith, still the same vintage necklace

Tuesday, February 24

smiley faces

jacket: gaudy, loose top: forever21, skirt: zara, platform shoes: highheels

Well recently I've been working on my solo album. I've figured out the songs and the mixing of the music is still in progress. By having an album, I need to set some brand new attitude that a lot of people would like (so they would buy my CD). My mom told me to start smiling and reduce the stare-down look which I use to do. The hardest thing is that it's really difficult for me to smile naturally. I think of myself looking like an idiot when I smile. I really need to work on that.

here's some of my idiot looking pitures.


jazz night

hat: flea market in Italy, black loose tee: H&M, black skirt: Zara, random black stocking, beige boots: tailored

febby, me, and nonny

Udah lama banget ya gue ga ngepost blog! ahaahaa jujur lagi males bok, banyak tugass... Anywaayy. the pictures above are pictures from Canisius Jazz Night, last Saturday. My boyfriend's band also performed amazingly for about 45 minutes. I kinda feel like a groupie of the band because i was always following them. It's actually kinda fun dressing up like a rockchick. ahahah, even though the band i was following plays pure fusion jazz. haha.

The red hat was bought in Italy 2 years ago, still very fun to play with.

Sunday, February 15

home for the weekend

I've been very ill this last couple of days so I'm not really in the mood of dressing up and going out. I spent valentine's day at home, taking medication and sleeping all day long! Luckily my boyfriend cared enough to visit me on valentine's day and bought me a cup of hot chocolate milk.

I took a picture of what I wear today, at home. Forever 21 loose top, random tights, and DIY ripped shorts. I've been living in that shorts for 3 days--since Friday. Time to put it in the laundry bag.

Thursday, February 12

kampusku studioku

apapun bajunya, minumnya teh botol sosro

Berhubung kita lagi sering ngumpul di belakang Gedung M FISIP UI buat ngomongin MBJ (malam balas jasa), gue tidak akan menyia-nyiakan talent teman-teman yang senang fotografi dong. Jadilah belakang Gedung M itu sebagai studio foto dadakan (pemberdayaan sesama).

Anyway the pictures here are low quality pictures because I got it through facebook tagged photos. Di foto-foto di bawah gue keliatan tinggi gak siiih??iya kaann!? hehe ngarep. Yaudah kalo emang enggak, can't you just at least pretend to see me as a tall girl? Thank you.

Oyah tadi sore gue dan tante-tante Gossip Girl-nya Komunikasi UI 2008 memutuskan urat malu kita semua dan rela NGAMEENN demi nyari tambahan dana buat MBJ! How cool was that!? Kita sama sekali ga nyiapin lagu, tapi mungkin emang dasar kepedean, kita meluncur ke Fakultas Teknik naik bikun (bis kuning), lalu melacurkan diri kita ke bangku-bangku kantin FT dengan menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan: "Pernah Muda" by BCL. But you know as unbelievable as it sounds, we managed to collect Rp 115 ribuuu!! hahaha ga nyangkaa, padahal lagunya itu-itu doang. Tips ngamen: buang rasa jaim, jangan lupa pake eyeliner, dan pasang tampang manja.

Sunday, February 8

secondhand satin shirt

I bought this secondhand satin shirt for IDR 2500 in Pasar Senen. I never really wear it before because it's really big! Well gue beresin lemari baju gue siang tadi dan menemukan bahwa this shirt has a really beautiful prints. I'm really glad I bought it :)

My long weekend has ended, gotta go prepare myself for campus tomorrow. kiss.

lovely legs


Lately I've been dreaming of these metallic topshop leggings. I hope I am among the lucky ones who can pull these pieces off xP ..the garments seem to suit skinny legs perfectly, and those colors! oh la la.

I also saw these on the internet a couple of days ago. Crazy looking as well.

forever 21

I'm also very determined to have a piece of acid washed jeans like this to wear to campus. Would be really fun to match it with boots and loose tops, very laid-back and comfortable.

..mungkin gue akan bikin aja deh di blambangan.. hehehe

contemporer rhytm

francois lindemann project

Last night I went to GKJ (jakarta art building xP ..I meant, jakarta concert hall) to watch contemporer jazz artist from france, Francois Lindemann. Awalnya gue mengiyakan ajakan sang pacar untuk ntn acara di GKJ ini karena harga tiketnya lebih murah dibanding konsernya Benny Likumahua di Balai Sarbini yg diselengarakan pada waktu yg sama. Pertimbangan lainnya adalah bahwa artis2 yg ngisi konsernya Benny adalah artis2 yg bakalan bisa gue tonton nanti di Javajazz, mendingan nonton yg import di GKJ ini doongg!?

Ga nyesel sih, the whole show was amazing. Emang sih agak berat, tapi seneng aja ngeliat kolaborasi orang2 dari negara yg beda2 (2 orang perancis, 2 orang US, 2 orang Maroco, 2 orang Indo, dan 1 cewek dari Cina) main musik etnik bareng2 gitu, mana kompak banget..

Anywaay, my outfit was perfect for the theme. I put on my harem pants (which I found in Zara Kids, for 11 years old) and a scarf worn as mid-eastern hoodie. I almost danced my belly off along the music.

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Saturday, February 7


" is a brand new styling studio where you can combine every piece in our fashion collection to mix, match, and create your personal looks. All clothes are real, selected by stylists, from real designer." Baca taglinenya aja gue mulai tergiur. Imagine, this kind of website would be able to make all your dreams of having very cool clothes from very cool designers come true. The website is still on progress but we can already make an account and enjoy the teaser by applying for an invitation code. I made an account a couple of days ago and yes it surely is a very interesting digital styling studio. We'd be able to create our own looks by mixmatching the clothes provided. Emang belom begitu banyak sih koleksi bajunya, tapi dari yg udah ada aja keliatan kok kualitas dari stylist2 yang milihin baju-baju buat website ini.
I can't wait. Katanya sih kita bakalan bisa ngepost looks yg kita buat di ke blog, forum, anywhere you can post an image!

Thursday, February 5

puppy love

I have a new puppy! I got her last night, and I'm in love. Breednya maltese asli, putih, pendek, pesek, baguuuss banget. Namanya Malta ♥

Malta baru 3 bulan, masih kecil bangeet. Tadi pagi aja udh bisa bikin stress dengan tiba2 menghilang! Ternyata doi ngumpet di kolong sofa saking kecilnya. Sekarang gue lagi mau ke petshop buat beli pager supaya dia ga ilang2 dalem rumah kalo lagi ga ada yg ngejagain.

I bought a piece of black seethrough blouse yesterday. Can't wait to match it up with other style as well. Today: alice goes to campus.

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rain on my skin

Musim ujan. I wore a wet-looking t-shirt yg dibeliin sama my dear friend, Fina, di singapore. Dia dulu pernah bilang, "bon! (my nickname in highschool) gue ngasih lo t-shirt ini karena gue yakin lo berani pake t-shirt ini. Gue personally sih ga berani."

Waat?? Tapi emang sih itu t-shirt kalo dipake kayak abis ikutan wet-t-shirt contest. Hehehe.

P.s. Tadi ketemu Edo di takor, sbb:

Gue: *duduk manis pake t-shirt dan jaket, pura2 kedinginan, minta dipeluk*

Edo: Ras! Lo keujanan dimana deh?

Gue: *bingung* eee tadi pagi ujan kan do?

(Gue pikir dia concern karena gue sok-sok menggigil gitu)

Edo: truss t-shirtlo basahnya sampe sekarang gitu? *tampang ga percaya*

Gue: heeeeee???

(Yaudahlah masih mending gue dikira keujanan daripada dikira undergarments showoffer)

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Tuesday, February 3

lazy hazy days

Hari-hari belajar has come! Gue sekarang ada di kelas MPK agama katolik, lagi pada ngebahas atheis, wahyu, lalala, ah, yang penting gue percaya sama wahyunya itu lah. No need to talk about it. Ya nggak? The more we talk about it, the worse it would get. Mendingan kita ngomongin gimana caranya nyelamatin pinguin2 kutub. Gue yakin Tuhan kita juga ga pingin kita ngeributin hal-hal yang ga perlu.

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Sunday, February 1

nikita dompas

Nikita Dompas bareng Tomorrow People Ensemble waktu itu sempet manggung di Cafe AuLait Cikini setelah lama ga kedengeran. Malem itu AuLait was filled with people, and not just ordinary ones, tapi orang-orang yang muke-mukenyee familiar. Dari personilnya Alexa sampe Nicholas Saputra pada dateng semua cuma buat liat Nikita yang kalo main gitar kayak orang lagi mompa ban.
I believe it was Christmas Eve, di Vatican Embassy Gambir, gue nyanyi bareng paduan suara John Paul II, dan gue melihat mas Dompas dateng bersama keluarganya ikutan misa. Jujur gue agak kaget karena gue tidak mengira bahwa Nikita ternyata ngerayain natal. Hmm seagama, jago main gitar, tampang ga ancur-ancur amat, ..kayaknya gue jodoh deh sama doi. (ngareeepp.....)
Anywaaayy gue cuma mau ngepost foto waktu di AuLait itu yang ga jadi-jadi gue upload.

do-it-yourself headband

Ada yang udah pernah lewat jembatan barunya plaza indonesia? Well gue sempet lewat sana kemaren dan gue liat distro (-yang gue ga tau namanya) yang jual blair waldorf headband yang udah gue cari sana-sini dari duluuuuu banget. tapii harganya sama sekali ga woooooorrrrthh!!! Karena sebel, akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk bikin sendiri my very own headband. LO PIKIRR GUE BUTUH BANDO MAHAL LO HEEEHH DISTRO YANG GUE GA TAU NAMANYAAA??!!
(tapi gue mengakui sih barangnya oke-oke. kapan-kapan gue lewat lagi gue beli deh.)